Coping with COVID: Statement from Maui VSH Chapter



We at the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii trust you and your loved ones are not only coping during Covid-19, but thriving. We’re lucky to live Hawaii, where whole plant foods are abundant, as are outdoor exercises like walking, beach treks, swimming, hiking, biking. A whole food, plant-based diet and outdoor exercise are essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle.

We look forward to bringing back our monthly in-person presentations featuring nutrition/health experts, when it is safe to do so.

Covid-19 is a highly contagious virus that sickens and can seriously debilitate and kill some who are infected with it. There are still folks, including on Maui, who don’t believe these scientific facts. Re Covid-19, the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii follows science, just as we do with the best nutritional advice—our recommendations are based on unbiased scientific studies, period.

Until it is safe to again present our live talks, we recommend you stay nutritionally informed by following one of our most popular speakers, Michael Greger, MD (if you’re not already). Dr. Greger’s contains videos on virtually every aspect of nutrition and health, all based on sound scientific studies. 

You might also want to check and our own website,, which contains videos of all our live lectures.

Until we can meet in person again, stay safe and take good care of yourselves. 

Your friends at Vegetarian Society of Hawaii Maui Chapter  


Eric Baizer